Felt Cloche Hats Workshop
Sunday, April 28, 2024 (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (EDT)
Come learn the basics of wet-felting, or expand your knowledge, as we create beautiful felt Cloche style hats (see photo). You will love the artistic possibilities, with functionality as an added bonus. By the end of this class, you will have created a lovely hat, as well as the skills to create more independently in the future. Due to the abbreviated one-day format of this class, we will all be making the same Cloche style hat. Come prepared to have fun…All levels welcome.
$35 cash or check payable to instructor at beginning of class. This fee includes fine Merino wool for your hat (I will have black, red, purple, blue, and green to choose from), a felt flower kit, reusable take-home hat pattern, written instructions, use of instructor supplies.
· 2-3 old towels
· Bubble wrap, the type with small bubbles, 24 inches wide x 48 inches long (Home Depot, Walmart, etc. carry wider widths)
· A plastic dishpan or small bucket/pail to hold water
· A Ball Brause or Water Sprinkler if you have one (I will have several to share if not)
· Bar of olive oil soap or mild liquid dish soap (such as regular blue Dawn)
· Sharp scissors
· Tape measure
· Old pantyhose or an old t-shirt that can be snipped into stretchy strips to tie your felt bundle for rolling.
There will be a midday break for lunch. Students can either pack a lunch or choose a spot to eat at within walking distance.
Dawn Edwards is a felt artist and tutor based in Plainwell, Michigan USA. She sells her work under the label ‘Felt So Right’ and teaches extensively within the USA and internationally. Her felt art has appeared in numerous exhibitions, shows, magazines and books, including Ellen Bakker's book, Worldwide Colours of Felt, several issues of the Australian 'FELT' Magazine, the International Feltmakers Association 'Felt Matters' journal, the HGA journal 'Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot'. Dawn’s felt vessel, ‘The Earth Beneath My Feet’ as well as her 'Blue Coral' felt hat were both chosen as juried selections for FELT: Fiber Transformed in the magazine, ‘Fiber Art Now’. Dawn is the co-coordinator of the not-for-profit group, 'Felt United', which currently has over 7,800 members, with the goal of uniting feltmakers from all around the world.
Cancellation Policy:
· Cancellations made 1 week or more in advance of the class date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours to the class will not be refunded.
o Students will have the option to transfer registration to another class in place of receiving a refund.
o Special consideration will be given to cancellations due to health-related issues and family emergencies.
· If you plan miss a session of class, please inform your instructor, or email our Program Coordinator, Lauren Hood, at L.hood@bowercenter.org
o There will be no refunds or discounts given for missed classes.

$125 per person
Bedford, VA 24523 United States