Woodsy Felt Vessels: Inspired by Nature
Saturday, April 27, 2024 (9:30 AM - 5:00 PM) (EDT)
In this inspiring workshop, we will create fabulous felt vessels resembling a woodsy forest floor. Drawing inspiration from the organic shapes, textures, and colors found in the natural environment, we will explore various felting techniques, layering color, and incorporating intricate details, to create amazing textures which capture the essence of nature.
We will form our 3D wet-felted vessels using a flat resist. Felting around a resist will produce a seamless, hollow shape. You will love the techniques/tips offered in this workshop and will find numerous ways of incorporating these methods in future projects, such as bags, hats, and wallhangings.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced feltmaker, this workshop offers a welcoming and supportive environment for all skill levels.
We will be rolling our felt which requires some physical exertion. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
TIME: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (with a mid-day break for lunch…Workshop participants may choose to either bring a sack lunch or we can run next door to eat at Town Kitchen)
Please bring with you to class:
· 2-3 old bath size towels and a plastic bag to take wet towels home.
· A plastic bucket or plastic mixing bowl for water.
· I will have Dawn dish soap to share, but if you would prefer a milder soap, please purchase a bar of olive oil soap (Kiss My Face or similar brand).
· Bubble wrap (small bubbles), minimum size of 2 ft. wide x 3 ft. length. If you have trouble finding the wider width, narrower widths can be Duck taped together on the smooth side.
· A wooden spoon for shaping the vessel.
· A pool noodle (you will only need half, so if that’s easier for packing, just snip it in two).
· Old pantyhose or a t-shirt which can be cut up to tie/secure your bundle for rolling.
· Very sharp pointy scissors for cutting into felt.
· If you have a laundry sprinkler bottle or Ball Brause water sprinkler, please bring it along. If not, I will have several to share.
Dawn Edwards is a felt artist and tutor based in Plainwell, Michigan USA. She sells her work under the label ‘Felt So Right’ and teaches extensively within the USA and internationally. Her felt art has appeared in numerous exhibitions, shows, magazines and books, including Ellen Bakker's book, Worldwide Colours of Felt, several issues of the Australian 'FELT' Magazine, the International Feltmakers Association 'Felt Matters' journal, the HGA journal 'Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot'. Dawn’s felt vessel, ‘The Earth Beneath My Feet’ as well as her 'Blue Coral' felt hat were both chosen as juried selections for FELT: Fiber Transformed in the magazine, ‘Fiber Art Now’. Dawn is the co-coordinator of the not-for-profit group, 'Felt United', which currently has over 7,800 members, with the goal of uniting feltmakers from all around the world.
Cancellation Policy:
· Cancellations made 1 week or more in advance of the class date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours to the class will not be refunded.
o Students will have the option to transfer registration to another class in place of receiving a refund.
o Special consideration will be given to cancellations due to health-related issues and family emergencies.
· If you plan miss a session of class, please inform your instructor, or email our Program Coordinator, Lauren Hood, at L.hood@bowercenter.org
o There will be no refunds or discounts given for missed classes.

$125 per student
Bedford, VA 24523 United States