To sign up for this class, CLICK HERE.
This 6-week, 2-hour class will focus on basic painting techniques and applications. For ages 15+!
Skills learned in this class will include:
· Understanding color including how to mix, match, portray distance, size, light & shadow
· Understanding blocking in, composition, proportion, and structure of objects in a still life arrangement
· How to prepare your painting surface including gesso, using various colors to set tone, and underpainting
· Brush techniques including glazing, scumbling, and impasto
· How to use various tools in the application of paint onto various surfaces.
Students should bring their own paints, brushes, palettes, easels, and medium-scale canvases as preferred. Some paper, small canvases, & basic acrylic paints will be provided by the instructor.
Instructor Bio: Robert O. Keith IV is a native Coloradan, now happily residing in rural Virginia. He received his BFA from Colorado State University and completed a Master's at the University of South Carolina. He has taught Studio Arts at several universities, schools, and fine arts academies over the past decade, and currently teaches at Radford University.
· Cancellations made 1 week or more in advance of the class date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours to the class will not be refunded.
o Students will have the option to transfer registration to another class in place of receiving a refund.
o Special consideration will be given to cancellations due to health-related issues and family emergencies.
· If you plan miss a session of class, please inform your instructor, or email our Program Coordinator, Lauren Hood, at
o There will be no refunds or discounts given for missed classes.
$150 per person