Learn the basics of mosaic design, different materials, methods of construction, cutting glass and porcelain tiles, and explore options for various type projects. Complete one or two projects, depending on size and complexity. Design your own or select from instructor’s patterns.
I began creating art in 2012 when I needed something to distract me from the mental chatter in my head. I began creating, what I like to call "expressive line art", and discovered that I really enjoyed it! I loved the freedom to create what I wanted and continued learning other mediums. I learned how to paint with watercolor paints, got back into acrylic painting (from high school!), and became interested in mosaics in 2018. My art style is mostly expressive and whimsical, using vibrant colors and bold lines. I like mosaics because I get to collect all kinds of tesserae (pieces you use to create your mosaic) like jewelry pieces, old dishes, broken glass, sea shells, etc., and incorporate those things into my designs.
$150 per student, $35 supply fee due to instructor at first class