Sculptural Mosaics

Thursday, February 20, 2025 (6:00 PM - 8:30 PM) (EST)


Register for this HERE!

Love creating flat mosaics, but want to expand your knowledge and try sculpture? The focus of this class will be ways to create custom shapes (wall mounted or self-supporting 3-D works) and prepping readymade forms to mosaic.

Techniques, as they apply to various shapes, and considerations for interior vs exterior applications will be covered.

Students may use a readymade form (provided) or bring one for consideration to use for a project to work on during the class. There will be demos and exercises on creating customs forms (self-supporting or wall -mounted) and steps how to prep readymade forms (including such items as an inflated ball, mannequin, guitar, concrete garden animals, ceramic forms) to begin the mosaic process. Adhesives and placement of tiles on curved surfaces will be discussed as will considerations for exterior use.


BRMA for 20% off tuition (for past students and active members of Blue Ridge Mosaic Artists


Students pay instructor directly for supplies, they come from SML Mosaics Inventory


Stone took up mosaics in the early 2000s while in Northern VA ,  relocated to Wirtz VA in 2007, opened a studio in Bower Center for the Arts in 2009, and the following year moved to Bedford.

In 2015 she and several other mosaic artists formed BRMA, Blue Ridge Mosaic Artists. The group meets bimonthly, exhibits mosaics, and works on community mosaic projects.

Stone creates fine art panels and sculptural works, exhibits her work, and teaches mosaics classes at Bower Center.

“Most rewarding is seeing what my students create, their excitement over the different materials and colors, learning various techniques and their applications, and developing an appreciation for mosaics. Mosaic art is one of the oldest art forms and creating and exhibiting them to inspire others to enjoy, appreciate, and learn about this versatile and tactile form of art is important and satisfying.”

Cancellation Policy:

· Cancellations made 1 week or more in advance of the class date will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 3 - 6 days will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours to the class will not be refunded.

o Students will have the option to transfer registration to another class in place of receiving a refund.

o Special consideration will be given to cancellations due to health-related issues and family emergencies.

· If you plan miss a session of class, please inform your instructor, or email our Program Coordinator, Lauren Hood, at

o There will be no refunds or discounts given for missed classes.



$50 material fee paid to instructor at the first class

Ages 18+

Bower Center for the Arts
Bedford, VA 24523 United States
Class is located in the downstairs classroom
Event Contact
Dotti Stone
Send Email
Thursday, February 20, 2025 (6:00 PM - 8:30 PM) (EST)
Thursdays, February 20 - April 10 from 6pm - 8:30pm
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